Ecomsellertools Account Health Training Bundle for Amazon Legends
SUCCESSFUL Amazon businesses are HEALTHY Amazon Businesses.
With this Account Health Training Bundle from Ecomsellertools, you are fully equipped to handle almost any possible scenario that Amazon Seller Performance can throw at you!
This bundle is FILLED with proven and tested examples, strategies, and INSIDER information for all of your Amazon Account Health needs.
The contents of this bundle, valued at well OVER $2,000, is available for only $199.
The bundle includes:
✅ Plan of Action Example Book for Amazon Seller Appeals (A collection of over 25 SUCCESSFUL POAs to help you with your current and future cases and suspensions)
✅ Amazon Plans of Action: Proven Tactics for Winning Appeals (E-Book) Written by Amazon suspension and account health expert Scott Margolius.
✅ Proven/Ecomsellertools Account Health Training Course (Six, one-hour video sessions with Ecomsellertools founder and Amazon Account Health expert Scott Margolius. This training will cover everything from writing Plans of Action to dealing with every type of Account Health Issue to Business Structure to winning the Buy Box)
✅ Invoice Tip Sheet for Amazon Appeals (Did you know a great number of appeals are lost because sellers don't know how to properly submit invoices that Seller Performance will approve? This tip sheet is an exhaustive and user-friendly checklist to ensure your invoices are not rejected!)
🗒️ NOTE/INSTRUCTIONS: The video files are labeled in order, and should be viewed in the order listed. Once you purchase the bundle, you will be able to download the pdf file of Amazon Plans of Action: Proven Tactics for Winning Appeals. If you have any problems, please email!